American Bar Association Elects President of the Pioneer Law Center as Vice Chair of Judicial Division
The Hon. Frank J. Bailey (ret.) will Advance to Chair in 2026

Superior Court Judge Invalidates “Equity Theft” Law as Unconstitutional
SPRINGFIELD, MA –A Massachusetts Superior Court has ruled that a state law allowing municipalities (or private actors to whom municipalities sell the right to foreclose) to foreclose on homes due to property tax debt without having to pay the homeowner the difference between the taxes owed and the value of the home is unconstitutional as applied to the facts of the case at hand.

MIAA to Allow Virtual School Students to Participate in Home School District Athletics
After an 18-month legal battle led by Pioneer Public Interest Law Center and the firm of Sullivan & Worcester LLP, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association has reversed its position and will once again allow children who attend Commonwealth Virtual Schools to play interscholastic sports in the school districts where they live.

Public Interest Law Firms File Direct Action with SJC to Enjoin Use of ‘Equity Theft’ Law
The Pioneer Public Interest Law Center and Greater Boston Legal Services have filed an action with Massachusetts’ Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) to enjoin the City of Springfield from foreclosing on a home because of an unpaid tax bill without returning more than $200,000 in equity to the homeowner. Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tyler v. Hennepin County that any surplus beyond the tax debt in such cases must be returned to the homeowner, rendering Massachusetts' law unconstitutional and unenforceable.

SJC Affirms Summary Judgment in Immigrant Entrepreneur Case
The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has upheld a summary judgment in favor of Uyen Phan, a Vietnamese immigrant and Randolph property owner who had been sued following a 2017 murder outside a night club that was a tenant at the shopping plaza she owned. Pioneer Public Interest Law Center had filed an amicus brief on her behalf in the case.

U.S. Supreme Court Invalidates Minnesota Tax Foreclosure Scheme
The United States Supreme Court has struck down Minnesota’s tax foreclosure scheme, a ruling that could affect a Massachusetts case in which Worcester homeowner Carmen Rodriguez sued the city to invalidate a state statute that allows municipalities to confiscate people’s homes and equity when they fall behind on their real estate taxes.

Massachusetts High Court Strikes Down Town’s Civility Code as Unconstitutional
BOSTON, March 7, 2023 — In an opinion that reinforces political speech rights at public meetings throughout the Commonwealth, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has declared that Southborough’s civility code governing participation at public meetings violates Article 19 of the Massachusetts Constitution.

PioneerLegal Files Amicus Briefs in Cases That Challenge State Tax Foreclosure Laws
PioneerLegal, LLC has filed amicus briefs urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear two related cases that test the constitutionality of Nebraska and Minnesota laws that permit the state, or a private debt collector as assignee, to take a private home, sell it, and keep the entire proceeds, even if the property sells for much more than the taxes, interest, and costs of collection due for unpaid taxes.

Public Interest Law Firm Sues to Allow Virtual School Students to Participate in High School Sports
PioneerLegal, a non-profit public interest law firm, has filed suit against the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) in Norfolk County Superior Court for prohibiting students at a public virtual school from playing on high school sports teams in the students’ home district.

MA Court Misses Opportunity To Reaffirm A Core Pillar Of Democracy
Today the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court missed an opportunity to reaffirm a basic tenet of American government: An informed electorate is necessary for a healthy democracy. The SJC’s decision will prevent Massachusetts voters from having an accurate description of the tax hike amendment to the state Constitution when they cast their ballots in November.

PioneerLegal Applauds Today’s U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Carson v. Makin
PioneerLegal applauds today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carson v. Makin striking down a Maine law that allows districts without their own public schools to contract with or reimburse the families of students who attend private or public schools located elsewhere, but which explicitly excludes religious schools.

PioneerLegal Amicus Brief Supports Court Challenge to Attorney General’s Misleading Wording of the Proposed Tax Hike Amendment
To ensure that Massachusetts voters will have an accurate description of the tax hike amendment to the state Constitution when they cast their ballots in November, PioneerLegal filed an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit challenging the Attorney General’s summary language.