Your gift to PioneerLegal helps protect the rights of Americans to pursue their lives as free and responsible citizens through good educational options, economic opportunity, and accountable government. Thank you for your support!
Your gift helps to…
- Fight discriminatory and unconstitutional barriers to school choice to ensure students have access to the best educational opportunities
- Hold government at all levels accountable to its citizens, focused on transparency and limitations of power
- Protect free markets from unwanted government intrusion to provide the most economic opportunity for the most people
Become a member today by making a donation of any amount in support of Pioneer Public Interest Law Center’s mission and work. You will receive invitations to our events and updates on our efforts!
Ways to Give
Mail, Phone, or Online
- Mail – PioneerLegal, 185 Devonshire Street, Suite 1101, Boston, MA 02110. Please make your check payable to “PioneerLegal” and include any information regarding use restrictions on the memo line of your check.
- Phone/Email – Please contact our development team at
- Online – Please make an online gift on this page or at:
Matching Gifts
Many employers match gifts to charitable institutions such as PioneerLegal. Corporate matching gift programs are a great way to increase the value of your gift. Please check with your employer to find out more about their matching gift program and how to double the value of your gift to Pioneer.
Stock, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
Gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, and mutual funds may allow donors to avoid a capital gains tax in addition to receiving a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock. Always be sure to consult a tax professional before giving securities. To initiate a gift of securities, please contact Deputy Director of Development, Caitlin Marple, at or 774-571-4120.
Event Sponsorship
Many of our events are funded through sponsorships, giving individuals, corporations, and foundations promotional opportunities to a highly targeted audience. For more information on individual and corporate sponsorship opportunities, contact Deputy Director of Development, Caitlin Marple, at or 774-571-4120.
Gifts of Personal Property or In-Kind Gifts
If you would like to donate personal property or in-kind services (host an event at your home or club) to PioneerLegal, please contact our Development Office. Some gifts require appraisal or advance approval in order to be accepted.
Deferred or Planned Gifts
Planned gifts allow individuals to financially support PioneerLegal through trusts, annuities, insurance policies, or bequests. Certain planned gifts, such charitable remainder trusts, can provide financial advantages during one’s lifetime. This is an excellent way to help secure the future of Pioneer while receiving personal financial benefits.
With planned gifts, individual circumstances as well as tax and estate planning will vary. Please consult your attorney or estate specialist. If you have any general questions about Planned Giving at PioneerLegal, or have already included PioneerLegal in your estate plans, please contact Deputy Director of Development, Caitlin Marple, at or 774-571-4120.
Charitable Bequests
Next to annual giving, a long-standing vehicle for philanthropy is a bequest in a will or revocable (living) trust. A bequest makes it possible for you to make your wishes known today without relinquishing needed assets during your lifetime. Bequests can transfer a specific asset or give a percent of the estate after costs and taxes.
IRA Required Minimum Distribution
You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as PioneerLegal without having to pay income taxes on the money. As a reminder, you can do this beginning in the year that you turn 72 years of age.
Donor Advised Fund
Like a charitable savings account, a Donor Advised Fund gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to qualified charities like PioneerLegal.
Gifts in Honor or Memoriam
PioneerLegal offers the opportunity to give a gift in honor, or in memory, of an individual who shares our passion for what Massachusetts can and should be. Please indicate the individual you would like to honor when making your gift, or consult with our Development Office when making your donation.